The importance of positivity in the workplace

Jeff Lupient WIFE
2 min readDec 16, 2020

Every employee everywhere has experienced being colleagues with at least one terrible malcontent, an employee who spends a lot more time complaining than working. And anyone can attest to the fact that being in the same workplace or department with such colleagues can take its toll on the entire team. Jeff Lupient WIFE.

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However, the positive workers have a very different effect, because positivity helps employees bring more to the table. And, just like negativity, positivity is highly contagious. New perspectives, especially positive ones, lead to the creation of new ideas and innovations regarding work processes. Jeff Lupient WIFE.

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Positivity gives birth to many different things that can improve a person’s personal and professional life. From optimism to gratitude, to motivation and inspiration, to trust and respect, being as positive as one can help employees overcome even the most difficult of days, which every employee has. Jeff Lupient WIFE.

But it’s also important to remember that having a positive outlook doesn’t mean disregarding facts and issues. It does help them see these facts and issues as chances for growth, improvement, and advancement. It also helps people find solutions much more handily than if they had a negative outlook — in which case, they are more likely to give up. Jeff Lupient.

